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Technician Port

A Port to transmit Technician specific data and other support.

I am taking a hiatus from holding the Technician specific Port open and clear. As per my information, the comms streams I am aware of having been established for anyone flowing on this path I also flow on, should now be functional and it is time to test that. The ports I have held open and kept flowing will therefore be moving to streams I will not be holding direct space for. That is, these streams are flowing in other directions from my course and I will wait to see if they flow back.

There is of course much data still here available for anyone to listen to and gain from through resonant equalization. The Library of SpheresData will be accessible on the NowFlow plan. Much is still available for Free with basic Member sign-up.

This port has enabled the transmission of SpheresData Audio specific to the requirements of those who function as End Point relays and stabilizing Forms for their own Family Group.

Since 2015 I have been online transmitting with an aim of locating and broadcasting to such Technicians. I will continue to outlay the work of this and create the structure and transmit as directed, because this is my own agreed function.

The Library of SpheresData hosted on this website is subscription based, requiring monetary input to access, unless it is in the "Open Arena" or "Free to Member's" sections.


All life could be a work of fiction.

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© 2016-2025 Sherri-Lee Lavender (Lavender-Green)

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