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Image by bilge tekin

TOOLS for Cultivation of SPIRIT

The SFA File Archive for purchasers has moved to the Archive Annex site.

Link to SFA Archive
Image by Francesco Ungaro

(*27 Oct 2021: I am playing with a name change for the Tools, adjusting 'Awakeners' to 'Survivors').


SFA - Survivors First Aid. Survivor is a more accurate description of what is occurring here.  We are surviving rather than awakening.  Some of us have been 'awake' a long time, just in here surviving each point of potential data loss.


Changing every instance of AFA to SFA on this website may not occur, the terms are to be seen as identifying the same Tools.


Between February of 2018 and January 2019,  I created two Etheric Architecture packs which I called AWAKENERS FIRST AID pack 1, and AWAKENERS FIRST AID pack 2.


The outlay of intelligent energy was intended to assist in mitigating the effects on the human psyche of awakening from an anaesthetised life path into layered reality where diverse configurations of consciousness are become increasingly evident.


The Audio and Glyph drawings for SFA 1 & SFA 2 came spontaneously, via the direct connection I have propagated with my Larger Conscious Intelligence, my Crystalline Palace of accumulated knowledge and wisdom.  These are tools which I created on other levels of Self and delivered to my self here in human experience to assist and empower me for the Journey as Spirit in human form. 


This System of SpheresData Audio and Imagery work for me, they have worked for Others.  I make no statement nor claim that they are a magic of Angels, Aliens nor any Almighty.  This is a frequency technology that comes complete into my mind without a technical manual.  I create it, use it and am assisted by it.  Eth'A Tools are purchased with the understanding that purchases are a non-refundable, considered Free-Will choice.  You may feel 'nothing' when using them, this does not make them non-functional.


The SFA Glyph Tools are designed to work synergistically with the SFA audio tracks.  These tools are a vital part of my personal process.  I hold them in great respect and no longer give them out easily, nor without balanced exchange.  Because of the nature of my being I remain aware of any portion of my work, even a printed piece of paper, unless definitively instructed to cut it away.  For this reason I am mindful of how I present them and to whom I will sell a copy of them.


Only the serious student of the Pathways of Cultivation of Spirit, or an active Technician will be considered.  If my system recommends that I not release them at a request to purchase, then I will honour that and not enter the exchange. 


I present the opportunity for Others to use these tools.  The Survivors First Aid is my primary assistance outlay for myself and those who have been directed here either willingly or stumbling with a hard push.  Affording these tools, and my creative manifestation in them, a deep respect is a primary consideration and I enter exchange to pass them to Others by enquiry only.  Enquiry forms are available on SFA pages which, yes, are accessed by a member sign-up.  A membership connection is an indication of a choice to place attention on this work. 


My consciousness growth journey is impelled by Self-Created tools.  I do not follow any religious or consciousness practice populated within general human knowledge.  I do not use Angel hierarchies or archetypes, nor any of the plethora of Deities known and written of.  I am a self-motivated Orb.


The Spectre Xhee
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