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Spheres of Conscious Cohesion
Sherri-Lee Lavender-Green

Privacy Policy:

In line with present regulations for websites I am including this privacy policy page.


I use some web apps like the contact form, and blog log-in, which do collect basic name and email information.  I do not use this for any purpose other than stated, for contact and to enable visitors to comment on the blog posts.


If ever you wish for this data to be deleted from the WIX database, come ask and I will submit a data removal request with WIX.


If you choose to log-in/sign-up for blog commenting, you can delete your profile in the app and I can submit a data removal request.  If you subscribe to the blog to receive notifications, you can unsubscribe at any time either by using link on the blog post email, or logging in on the blog page and going to your settings.


I do not send spam. Members have control over profile privacy settings in Account Settings.  The automatic Privacy Setting for member profiles is set to PRIVATE on sign-up.


If you wish to contact me regarding this info click here.


File Sharing

A word on file sharing:
The purchase exchange for the audio pack entitles you to the use of the contents for your household (so children, partners, and pets, or plants if they be your kin also).  Do not send files and Google Drive access link to friends and family beyond your immediate household.  Each time the pack or any of my etheric information tools are shared in this way, the data of the pack you bought is halved in resolution.  Think of holographic images – when they are split in two both images look exactly alike, but the data resolution reduces a little until eventually it is fuzzy and indistinct.  This reduces the effectiveness of the data for your personal work as you are essentially sharing the bandwidth of your Etheric Connection with all those others, plus any they may then share on to.


If you live in a share house situation, your household is you, not everyone in the house or apartment.  I feel that it is best to allow others to invest in their own journey.  I also set this limit to avoid the pull of additional meditative streams on my own Etheric Structures, on which the broadcast of this work is housed.  The money price asked is chosen to create a BALANCED exchange.  Sharing to others who do not enter that exchange for themselves places my structures into an imbalanced situation which I will then take steps to correct.


'Household' is a reference to people/pets/plants in an Etheric Support structure relationship with you.  You are sharing a bonded or contractual field of energetic platforms, on a level more resonant than with associates or roommates.


All life could be a work of fiction.

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© 2016-2025 Sherri-Lee Lavender (Lavender-Green)

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