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WindWeave System 8

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

WindWeave System 8 - Dream Cycle Communication is uploaded to SpheresData on Vimeo, and TimeWoven on Youtube.

It is a system of visual images intended to assist with stabilizing communications during the Dream/Sleep Cycles. The purpose is to tune your mind frequencies into higher resolutions of Conscious Communication with fields of Cosmic Intelligence. A more stable connection with guides/Larger Self, improves the quality of the sleep cycle, whilst maximizing data exchange with both the ‘sub-’ and ‘super-’ consciousness as the body rests.

Our CI does a lot of its/their work during the human body sleep cycle, with the dreaming function being a significant tool in processing and assimilating both old and new data.

As Family Groups draw ever nearer and work to integrate with their end-point target (the CI in human body), the Dream/Sleep cycles will be a major in-point. When the daily thinking load is on standby, the brain's processing capacity can be given over to higher CI functions and processes.

This increased activity, however, has the potential to disrupt vital sleep cycles needed for body health. I have a hope that this WindWeave System will assist in stabilizing connections into the brain during rest periods and into the active dream state.

**update 31/05: I watched this system several times yesterday after creating it, and felt definite brain and nervous system activity during. Last night I had particularly active dreams - an obvious excavation of old broken thought paths from events back in 1991-92. I would say that this system forms a cohesive connection between the '4 quarters' of the brain (left/right front and back lobes), putting incomplete stress or trauma created thoughts, which became embedded in behavioural choices, back onto the lit path where the sub-conscious can examine and reconfigure.



All life could be a work of fiction.

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