What does it mean to 'Be Human'? What are the spiritual people referencing when they speak of their divine rights as humans, their divine sovereignty as human beings, their mission to be wayshowers to the human race and rise up into the new world of something? How are they starseeds from other places, eternal points of spirit having an experience, souls from other planets, and yet also divinely Human with a right to freedom of development as a divinely created species?
(starseed: a point of conscious material foreign to the planet, having arrived from another apparent star position, and in-housing within a human body form for the purpose of having a life experience on EArth).
Those saying they are here to assist humanity in its evolution. What are you assisting? Why? Who or what directed you to do it? Which Human are you assisting? The imposed composite? Or the body form as an autonomous creation? What is your point of contact for the earth core awareness? Do you even ask these questions? How often do you scan the base code and authenticity of your feeling states?
I cannot resolve the apparent disconnect of this information. The purpose of writing this post is not to present a fixed opinion, but to express the internal debate and anomalous data in-points creating strident discord on my outer shell; to formulate a stance of conditions for inclusion and exclusion within my own mind matrix, to clarify the view of this in my field of perception.
Are you the body or are you the imposed and controlling consciousness within it? Freedom for Human would be the removal of the hosted soul wouldn't it?
I cannot now nor ever 'be human'. I am a conscious intelligence foreign to this world, working in co-operative agreement of locomotion within a human body form. I am not human, my body is human. When a soul or point of CI (conscious intelligence) incarnates within a dog form, it is not a dog. It's physical housing is a dog form with onboard dog consciousness and pre-programmed dog behaviours. That form is housing a point of consciousness not born to it, but accepted in early development through an enmeshing of morphogenic fields, an overshadowing. At no point does the hosted soul become a dog.
The human body is not a miracle. It is sophisticated yet not perfect land-based technology; built to provide interface with a reality matrix - to read the data of the landscape and provide sensation and lucid experience of a level commensurate with the soul personage perception base.
How can a soul 'be human' and simultaneously admit that it is transient to the planet? How can this be 'your planet'? The planet belongs to the planet; you are a visitor. I have met one person so far whom I would call EArthborn - a soul consciously born of this planet's Core CI. This person could say that they are of this planet, but they do not call themselves human, they recognize that their housing within the human body is a temporary imposition.
The interaction between overshadowing soul point and physical form upon a planetoid should be fluid, a graceful 'coming in and going out'. The fixed adhesion of soul within form, as is the case with the Human, is not a design of 'free-will'. That the form can only be released if it dies - how is this freedom?? The body is enslaved to the soul until the moment it dies. It can have a cruel master or a kind master, but it does not get the choice. This is not a free-will process, it is a disregard of the basic consciousness of the human body matrix.
If the soul personages housed within human bodies where indeed natural to this planet, they would not be so destructive of its natural environment. If modern human were native it would be a part of the harmonious ecology, with a totem spirit placed within the spirit weavings of the planet itself. Go looking through the rivers of the totem spirits of this planet. Do you see one for human? No? Is it not so that humans borrow the totems of animals to give them a sense of belonging and anchorage to the land, water and sky?
Why does the human form not have a totem spirit design? Could the designers of the human body form not access the Totem Spirit Flows? Whilst not included in the totem designs, the human body form cannot attain ecological synergy with the planetary environment.
What would the humanoid natural to this planetoid look like if the Core Consciousness had been permitted to design it herself? How can a human composite truly care for the other forms of its environment - mineral, plant, animal - if it cares so little for the autonomy of its own form, with the soul personage taking dictatorial ownership of the form rather than functioning in actual co-operative synergy through base braiding agreement?
The outlay of creative action placing planetary core spirit into form cannot now be erased, not without impinging upon the FreeWill directive operational within this reality construct. Each human body has a designated point of freewill, to erase the form is to erase the inherent autonomous consciousness. A re-design agreement must therefore be enacted. The design must proceed from within the Planetary Core Consciousness, and not be from implanted architecture blueprints. Such incursion is no longer accepted and has been illegal since before it was first implemented.
For me, the present planetary conscious personage is named Goiya, being preceded by Gia, Gaia, and EA (who was before the Tumble). Goiya has autonomously designed architecture for the ongoing format of the human composite, with appropriate sovereignty bridging written into the base braiding codes enabling the human body CI to activate greater levels of communication, feedback, self-system maintenance, and life interaction preferences. Request for inclusion into the Goiya blueprint outlay is suggested for all beings acknowledging of their placement in partnership with the planetary consciousness.