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Switching off Slave DNA - 2017

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

I went walking back through audio from 2017. There is 7.51 GB of data in 203 files - just for that one year.

The reason for the journey was to adjust meta-data for all files and place the outlay into a unified whole with the current colours of my work. So whereas, for instance, I used to use Safir Palace Archive to tag files, now I use SpheresData.

Over the years, recordings have separated into varying bands of frequency, with differing name for albums and formats of date marking. I was urgently impressed upon this past 24 hours to update 2017, creating on 'ClearView' folder for that year's audio. It has been implied that this data matching of titles and dates in the meta-data enables a greater accuracy of synchronisation in the timings of action amongst those I work with, who labour across multiple points of spacetime in different bands of reality complexity.

The SpheresData files form a navigation stream for Other Sphere Beings in a way I can't know the technical how-to of.

I listened to a couple of the files on the way, was a little surprised by what I managed to say back then. It has more degrees of meaning to me now. I am sharing one (linked below). When any others jump out I will broadcast those also.

Be advised that when I say in this audio that there is an unpleasant sounding dialogue about to be spoken, I mean it. I believe it to be a tone representing the vibration of the beings referred to as the Anunnaki, or Anunnians. These are peoples which likely first came to Earth some 300,000 years ago and which greatly influenced modern human genetics.

Listening to old audio does not get easier. It feels strange, like looking at old photos, and thinking 'I was that person'. In my ears, my voice holds a slight naivety, I was more inclined towards sounding theatrically conversational. I think subconsciously I was trying to sound unaffected whilst feeling awkward and hoping to project what I imagined was the way I should feel, as if that was a thing. I had no clue that I would be doing the same thing constantly for the next 4 years.

My vocal register was probably a half scale higher. Years of constant speak and not exercising higher notes has dropped my tone right into the low alto I would say. More than a few sessions of channelling right royally pissed off gravel-voiced Aspects has not helped much either.

Of great benefit to me, in listening back through recordings I cannot help but see the continuity of storyline and information, which if I were making up would be a whole lot more effort to achieve. That all flows as it does gives me some assurance that I am not wasting my lifeforce on fancies.

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