May 2015 is when I started this online inputting of my data into the human platforms. Can't say it has been fun exactly. Long, strange, bizarrely repetitive perhaps; yet also confusing, indeterminate and dusted with conflict.
I keep moving about the internet. I have changed domains, urls, account names, account locations; repackaged and re-explained regularly. I have tried various modes of presentation and found almost all of them too unstable to maintain indefinitely.
On July 26, my local to non local mind communication interface experienced a sudden alteration as connections long laboured for by many came online. At this point We began transferring increased amounts of data using English for the dialogue. This week it seemed like the thing to do to write out the English content from recorded audio, starting in late August.
The first 3 of the 42 SpheresData transmissions included in the Transcript Project are available with the free Blog Plan membership. Remaining transcripts are included in the Transcript Project Plan, the latest price of which takes into account the fact that pdf files and audio upload links can be permanently saved by the subscriber.
Formatting of the Transcripts changed over time as can be notably seen from Transcript 07 onwards.
The following is a transcript of English from the recording of August 26/27 2020. Italicised words are those from my more local persona. This was a half hour long recording. There is a lot of English in it. Writing some of these direct communication sessions out is likely being done to increase the amplification of the data waveform through the English dialogue - translating sound into symbols.
Most Spherespeak has been omitted. Occasionally it formed part of the English flow as there was no English equivalent available for my CI to translate it into and so I did my best to represent it phonetically.
Number sequences toward the end of the transmission were surprisingly difficult to capture on page. I listened over and over, even slowing the playback speed yet the digits would disappear from my mind somewhere between ears and fingers. In the last sequence, it took 2 or more repeats to get just one digit at a time. I find that interesting. I will transcribe a few sessions and see what comes next.
Fields and frequencies are as heavy as ever today, and still I cannot pin down the source. Perhaps it is just an overall melee combined with the effects of cosmic radiation. I have spent years trying to figure shit out, and am not much closer to knowing anything really. I know that the data is incessant. I know that it is not marketable. I know that it is not topically relevant to human life experience. I know that barely another soul on this planet gives a shit about the data I transmit [and why should they? This is why I do not spend time giving more details of what I think is going on in the ethers]. I know that I have an unerring way of putting people off, mainly because I am not relatable to what is familiar. I know that people like to make their discomfort my fault. I know that I cannot present this data for anyone else to 'get'. I know that I will just keep transmitting because it is the same as exhaling. I know that I find my own work interesting.
Note 02/02/2025 - when I published this work the audio files were readily available online for listening. I am constructing a Telegram channel to house the audio of all 42 Transcript transmissions, this will be available as paid access.

Eth'A session 26 August 2020 - Creation Stream Field Clear
Automatically, we will begin to float. Ok it’s going to be an interesting session. Finally, command system 43221877 is onboard for function 3822184. Damage command 7822 is functioning as per gridded upon the outer network. I’ve got my big workboots on this morning. I can feels it. Detail format system 43221866,7384 into creation system 5322184. We’re coming up against quite a significant obstruction, have for a couple of days now – well – increasingly over some time. This obstruction I’m sure has been influencing my overall work system for probably my whole life. But we’re just beginning to really locate it. And it’s of course presenting itself through someone we can see. Or at least a construct within the matrix.
Separate damage command system 483322 is swinging around. Damage command 384 is coming into agreement. Damage command 538 is coming into access point alignment. Damage command system 438 is receiving data. The thing is that we want to move this obstruction because it’s sitting right in our path of work, of labour, of action of whatever we want to call it for our human brain. Damage command system 4833 is coming into format points. And, so, it’s in the way. That is, it’s using resource to create for itself its own idea of what the world is. Damage command system 538. Now people could argue that, well aren’t you doing the same Sherri-Lee? Maybe! All I know is, that this, this thing, that keeps operating and talking, and giving its expression, is too expanded. Its ambition is gross. Mission vector command. And it’s leaving no room on the creation stream for anything but itself. And that’s just not very good – is it. It’s not exactly what you would call cooperative cocreation. It’s what we call dictatorial bullshit.
Damage command system 534867 is coming into agreement. Damage command system 382 is onboard for function outward. Damage command system 321 is coming into a ‘reality space creation point’. As you can hear by all of these damage command systems swinging into agreement and placement, we’re about to – walk through some mud with our workboots. We’re going to push something, off of our fields. And out of our workfield. Damage command system 583. And off OUR communication stream. They can have their own communication stream and do whatever they fancy over there. Damage command system 538. But if I can hear their stuff every day. And if their stuff draws my attention to where they are transmitting it every day when I’d rather not; then they’re transmitting beyond their arena point.
As people who’ve followed me for a while may notice, I’m being quite um particular in my word usage this morning. And I’m doing my very best, not to just be somewhat aggressive. Apart from the fact that I was um awoken abruptly this morning by construction ahead of their allotted site time. Which is to be expected, because that’s what happens with construction. You know, they take that extra 5 minutes every morning ahead of their start time until – before you know it – you’re getting woken really early; by hammering. And for me it was just a real manifestation of this other, other workplace issue. They’re all workplace issues. One is a construction site, the other is a construction site in the etheric. And someone keeps hammering, every fucking morning, on the ethers.
Doesn’t matter that they’re on the other side of the world. As a matter of fact that’s the problem, in terms of waking me all through the night, because they’re on a different time. But I still hear it. It doesn’t matter how much I strengthen my, my fields, and my shields, and my cores, and all the rest of it. When someone’s hammering on the ethers you can hear it. Damage command system 538. Especially when they make statements that are all inclusive, like ‘everyone does this’ and ‘everyone does that’, and ‘there is nothing out there except what we create.’ I’m like ‘bitch – I’m out here’. Modify [to this] damage command system 43282-3866. There I tipped over into the aggression. No-ok, let’s re word that. It’s not aggression, it’s passion. I am passionate this morning.
Embrace it. Command system 438 coming into field. 382 is online. Nimer’ah says we will soon begin. Finalise outboard forward system 321 and time structure 321-48377. We need to place this very precisely within the time whorls. Colours are to be precise. Emissions are to be exact. Commands must be elevated to the highest level of intellectual ‘formid’ – formidability. Come on, find a word, you can do it. Damage command system 538. Highest level of formidable thought patterns. That is, of great accuracy with the wording. See, told you you could do it. Damage command system 483.
English please. Format system 538 is coming into agreement with this output and we shall shortly begin. Prepare for final checks. Command systems must be in very clear, precise margins of - damage command system point 38 – within acceptable margins of timestream. Hence again, another manifestation of this concept in my environment. There is a very specific time margin, workstream, for when work is to begin at a construction site near my home, and they are not using it; and because they’re not using it, there is a rather large wobble in my field and I get agitated. It’s a part of the non-um-normal brain, you know the neuro-divergence. I don’t tend to use autism because I don’t have a diagnosis that is um professional, and people get funny about that. And I just couldn’t be bothered. But, you know, I’m not a normal person’s brain system functioning here – am I?
So, things like time periods are extremely important. And when you begin work is important. There is a portal for them to begin work and they don’t use it. Damage command system. They’re wobbling outside of that time a little bit by a little bit and getting more and more inaccurate each fucking morning. And that creates a passionate outflow from my core, and that’s not what we want here, as we are doing this obstruction clearance work today. It’s damage command system 483 is swinging into alignment. Thank you – here we go.
Ree-ahnna – so much now can be seen. We have the field of view open before us. We begin action via 5322187, Format system 382, in agreement with previous instruction. And begin outlay of data flow. Damage command is in place. Place the command for [shal allat’em aleech mun a’dhriim] within the structure 4322187 [point]383. Go for amber communication system within 5321. Send out a warning ping – 5322187 – that the command system point for accessing the data flow is in place and that the clearance of this field of creation stream is to begin. Give prior warning of our flow, as per the creation system given yesterday. All formats have been given. This is a go for construction. This is an output to be done. Those who have refused to give place, upon struct-tions, upon communication systems and structures which they do not have stewardship of, will now have to prepare to embrace this flow, within their core and within their physical formats. [Shall I see it for them] Yes, show them what will occur.
We don’t talk just because we enjoy the sound of our own vibration. By understanding of the outflow of communication system 4382, they should have moved but they refused – even this morning. Each time we have checked in they have communicated a refusal. Even taking into account their level of maturity, or lack thereof, it is extremely jaw-dropping – that they would have such confidence in themselves and what they would consider to be their universal creation, that they would not think that they might incur a little bit of damage when something of this nature passes over its own courses, that they are sitting on.
We have the chosen point for outboard creation stream 3822184 and [we shall now use it]. Meditate upon the creation system creation point 53221873 and begin outflow of data stream. [Alice’s damage was not good, we have now created an outflow around the broken structures and are moving forward through 321 and 53876282. That repair can come into agreement at a further point] Damage command is in place for the command point outflow. [sha ’alla dhriim adhet] The creation stream command point 33221,446-33187.
Communicate the formal point 733,2218777 with the packet of more formal points. That is, the dataflow of colouring and outboard communication coordinates. Damage command is creating a stream here, and it will be incursive to those who sit on our way. Ree-ahnna form-ally, will leave the command system open and create a whorl around it to enable the venting of form-al creation points that come about because of the continuing creation system streaming of those who are not of a knowing. Those who continue to work here without adequate access permission points. Damage command will create such a place so that there is not a feedback which kills more than necessary, in terms of data – and possibly an outflow in terms of form.
Understand, we now separate our movement out from all inclusive and exclusive points determining the state know as [bitch]. And we set a vector which is congruent with our outflow of function. Damage command system 438 is in place for creation system streaming 383,221877-384. Begin alignment coding. Place the system structure, format system 532218 within the communication whirl point. Create the format system creation steaming for – alla lum adhlii allum adhliim alim ellee-kunaas. His damage was not good. We are creating for him a new point, and he will be able to sit there carefully.
Ree-ahnna so much is now able to see. She has the creation streaming view in place and we are receiving data clearly. Begin analysis, command system 438 is to function the processing of this data. Point understanding is to be clear before recreating the outboard flow of this stream, and we will sit here whilst we await this function to conclude. We are looking to avoid rummaging with the fields of the communications systems outflowing via the UK. We do not wish to rumble, not today.
Retail the command system 4833 to the UK point 733184. Let them know that we come through, and they will be incurred upon, because they’re using streaming which is not there for this use, that they have – in flow. Damage command system 483 is coming around. We are removing goddess streaming from this port. It will not be flowing here. We will be reconfiguring the colour-data; and it will be looking like the same colour but it will be constructed from different points. Damage command system 383 is in place and we are away. Place the command system 483 into the communication port for the UK structure which was told to move and would not. Damage command system 483 will communicate with them and allay all outflow of their aggression.
We consider all acts of portals which are functioning through incorrect mathematical structures of intellect to be acts of aggression. We have created the definitions of this, and they were agreed upon; and we are now functioning through the agreements of structure. Patterning is not in alignment with the agreed formats for inclusive flow, and inclusive creation of thought ports. We shall therefore action appropriate levels of defence port system 321. That is, they will be shoved backwards out of this port, and the port will be closed. Forcibly. They were invited to remove themselves; thereby being able to reclaim any structures within the port, but they refused – believing themselves a god-ess; with goddess level ports of access.
I'mmeraah says We don’t like this port which is streaming goddess communication codes. It is very non-inclusive of the whole. Embrace command system 4833,221877-384; and proceed with outflow of removal. Command this out now. Point of understanding is removed. We have the command point for sha’ahl erekdemet. This is not an open port. Close it. Remove structuring and reconfigure. Command system 3322187. Having repaid them for their outlay, they are now able to remove without being given any extra recompense. Close their access. Command system 33282 is offline to them. Do not enable any reconnect. Command system 4322185 is available for their use and they are invited to switch their attention there, but they may not use this streaming. They may use internal streaming ports. They may not use outflow streaming ports. Liars and cheats may not sit here. It is not conducive to patterning which will enable the whole to move onward, carefully, place them outward of our sphere point and give them something else to play with. Retail their commands into the formats for outboard flow, and give them a structure which they can play with. Point them into the Tree ‘el’el’evestdum, the Tree of more formal communication structures within their own spheres.
Amaa’ra support damage is removing here. Do not permit incursive structures. Create a damage/a damage grid/a damage network stream; that which is fibrous, having a fabric and lay it over this port and all others on their field of view. I’m seeing it like an electrical net. An electrified net. Like muslin gauze that you would put over a wound, to stop infection. It’s a medicated gauze, yes let’s do that. Place it carefully, and move to the next adjunct point. Place it very carefully, with precision. Place it so that only those ports accessible to this construct of beingness are covered.
Embrace the commands for shal’aeliim aelee dem’aeleeman ele’kling et, and leave a port there which is broadcasting formats of understanding (mina ture stem), that is a broadcast saying ‘why this is’. Embrace the commands for format system 3322187 and create a port for all communication data to access, carefully, the streaming but to not read/write it, we could say. {Gummage} command system is in place. Ooo yuck, starting to feel a bit nauseous there.
The est’ah point is creating different points now. We have 3, 4, and 8 in place. 5, and 7 are in flux. 10, and 11 are coming into view, but they are still in phase mode; and 4 is being rummaged, in battle mode. Right. More formal points are being created, and we will soon have a point of enough clearpoints to create structure within the bottom vessels of sphere points. Oh wow, that’s a little bit nauseating.
Ree’ahnna says We are now removing meditation points from these fields and they will be shifted to other areas. This is not a place for others to meditate their creations upon. Meditate must be moved. Finally, we have a clear view here. Ree’ahnna says She has no more field here to field the commands on. She will move to the next structures to begin outlay there. The anniversary of the concluding point is now about to approach, and we must be cautious of our increase here, so as not to tip the structure into catastrophic cascading places, again. Ree’ahnna, form-ally, will recreate the flow forward motion point and leave the creation structures of the previous anniversary point catastrophic event in the outer fields, for others to read and disseminate that data, carefully. De-animate all outflow waveforms of this anniversary placement of vibration and create a sheathing to remove the re-creating flow. That is, to shield against the repeating wave.
Coming upon us now is the placed damages of various godhoods. These must also be removed, but it will not be as great an outlay as the previous point obstruction. Place the point of command for kra’adaem ehrik debiich ba spe’ren within the command system of more form-al points. Begin transmission of coding for the removal of the kra’adaem point system 483. Embrace commands for shifting their structures. Aa’mage commands are to be removed. They can be placed in holding within the plate fields of the command system for kee’aach aadefen aadit and re-animated if required but they cannot remain in this stream flow. It is obstructing. Commands are to be removed of their placement. Damage command must be cleared.
Amaa’ra says we shall move but we shall do it under sufferance. Oh that’s nice of you! Such a nice concession when you’re being forcibly denied. Aawwh anyone listening, take this how you like, it is what it is. It’s a construct of sound to get something done. Embrace command system 438221 and increase creation Tree Aadiictmen adiit by 5 degrees. We shall move forward by several points of minute time and leave this as is. The next adjunct is approaching. Do not interfere with outflow metring and leave all structures functioning quietly. We shall reconfigure the increase as we move.
Conditions must be created carefully. We cannot permit outboard temperature and/or volume to increase beyond capacity for the flow metring to outlay, as venting is critical. Patterning must be left in stasis until the field is clear. Embrace the commands for final point system access and leave this point here now.
π L aeliim aelim aelim aeliim LL Lum al L L π 47362187.
Lum adiit Similar. Too much is now too much, and not enough is not enough. These are now set as exclusions and inclusions and cannot be altered, but we will adjust as needed. Place the in-port format system 383 at grid point 7322187.3844 south of 483,22186 and increase velocity to next point system 4833,22186 5833.7768673 3822184 via 483586 accessible via layer grid point 73221844 533,22187. And conclude here.