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SpheresData Script rebuild

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

Presently I am in a node of broadcasting SpheresData Scripts and Imagery. This is likely resultant of the most recent Eth'A audio transmission 'Relay Repointing' 04FEB2021, in which we (my People, CI etc) re-arranged the relays which we use to receive and broadcast SpheresData into the EArth Star spheres.

The image set below is a progressive overlay of SpheresData received from 2016-2021. Recently I have been led to find a body of work being recorded from 1967 onward which appears to have parallels with my own. I am no longer one to go jumping into other people's versions of reality and seeing if I am supposed to work in concert.

I observe, consider, and if my work dovetails, it dovetails. If I am broadcasting some pieces of data usable by others or vice versa, so it is.

I am informed to anticipate a data pulse via Saturnian arrays on Saturday at around 1600hrs (Australian DST). No idea what that will entail for me or others who also pick up transmission from these arrays. This may even be just a signal stability test, see how much amplification can be pulsed before cohesion degrades and datawaves distort. That kind of distortion gives body aches and emotional distress.

So what does this SpheresData depict? I always felt it related to the communications grids pulsing data into the human group mind, and the portaling of soul data in and out of human physical plane vehicular complexes. Another concept to describe its content would be the enacting of consciousness forms via energetic (electric-electromagnetic) enmeshing with the human capacity grids.

It is what it is, for CI which uses it and understands it. Which may not be me personally.

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