My main etheric functions include the receiving, installing and running of vocal format code for a newly forming reality creation stream
- the flow on which All of All is moving and producing new potentials of life experience. I record this vocalisation of data and upload for inclusion into the reality matrix accessed via digital platforms.
I do try to keep an eye on what else is happening in the (awakening consciousness/earth shift) arena of thought and experience, but I don't have the capacity to listen to 1:30-3hr long interviews folks are doing back and forth. When I have spare ear-time I listen to my own recordings, as that appears to be one of their main purposes (for me to have a familiar sound to listen to, and to assimilate the data into human form format).
I write blog posts which I then erase, seeing as most words appear to have more usefulness unsaid rather than added to the pool. It is seemingly impossible to express thoughts formed within the personality without encountering some distortion either in the forming, the delivery, or the receiving.
What follows is a mash of various unfinished blog posts: thoughts spurting like juice from a squished grape.
I am important to mySelf. This is a decent reason for why I put such focused effort into what I outlay. Making the best recordings I can with what I have, creating the best version of images I can, investing my focused energy into presentation - because I place importance on myself and my need to communicate honestly with and for myself.
I enjoy what I create; in the way a gardener enjoys the results of cultivation.
There is a great probability that I try too hard, but truth be - I have no idea how to do what I do any other way. That is - with less focus and less intensity. I have no idea how to do anything else other than what I am propelled to do either.
More recently, the Eth'A work has come with a greater sense of requiring precision in the timing, like any large project with scheduling goals. The projected notion that anything relating to 'higher consciousness' or the 'earth awakening', or spirituality in general, should be done with vast amounts of joy, fun and leisure, and ease of tasks is not something which my own experience and understanding can evidentially support as a universal truth. It may be the outlay and plan for many pathways of movement into new paradigms, but this does not make it an indicator for a right or wrong way of doing consciousness development.
My companions in other etheric locales and I are not setting about making our tasks as difficult as can be - we are doing the exact opposite of that - but they aren't kindergarten activities which we play with and some effort is required to reach a preferred outcome.

Quite to my consternation, I have an anxious personality. It is the Form Architecture I was born into. No amount of meditation and mental training is going to completely change the way in which my brain functions, unless I could manage a total nervous system reset and reconfigure. You can bet I am working on it! Anxiety is not my preferred state.
Quite often I cannot find the source. It may even be that a neighbour has a new device and is broadcasting another wifi signal, or blutooth. Work trucks and tradesmen utes hurt my body a lot, and I could not tell you why in a way supportable by measurable data. Devices have sentience, yes, yes they do. They have installed software which operates in a way I can detect, like a room filled with people yelling useless information that my ears cannot hear but which agitates the brain and neurotransmitters in the gut, or overloads the heart-field.

I am not much good with discussion relating to 'abundance flow', because that is not a concept I hold a pattern of belief on. This topic people call 'their right to abundance', and the 'flow of abundance' and 'their divine inheritance', I do not have a framework of thought that I can hang it on. So when asked, my responses will not follow the route of popularised opinion on it.
I think it a child-like statement to say we 'have a right' to anything. I see it as a statement which personifies an impartial universe pattern, expecting an equational outcome which sums always in our favour. Why would it? If events always sum in your favour within a polarised reality, then it seems logical to expect that for someone else they must sum always to their detriment. So your abundance is being paid for by someone else - how does that sit with you? These thoughts are why I go for Balance rather than Abundance.
In Balance, the equals points of all resource equations have points of opportunity which are equally positioned for all to experience a thriving environment. Abundance means more than enough. Why does anyone need to receive more than they require? Isn't that the upper levels of the pyramid of commerce?

Through the years of practicing the process of self expression, I came to realise that most urges to write blog posts are precipitated by a debate in the ethers begun by another mind. This is another reason why I will start a post and not publish it, but wait and watch the net. With eerie regularity, within 12-24 hours I will see someone else post or blog on the same subject, usually expressing a position diverse to mine - as if we were debating 'off screen'.
So whose thoughts do we express really?