I am still quizzical. I was going to write a post about file sharing. I have written it actually. And it is quite long, but I am just not feelin' the love in posting it. It's like that with most things I think of to write about. I have a stash of drafts. Mostly they are thoughts barrelling in from the group human mind and not shaded in a way I really wish to express.
Of significance to me to say - others sharing the files of Eth'A work purchased from me (excluding personal sessions) is a workload I am not willing to carry. If I could still support releasing AFA1/2 or other work at an even lower price, I would. But because the Eth'A tech is formed of my own creative force, it was hurting my body to not ask for a sufficient physical world exchange. I do not have an organisation of people to help me hold the energy of the tech with meditation streams, so my Guidance advises that I must use money exchange for now.
Additionally, to share purchased files removes my value from the work as having laboured hard over this life, and others, to create it. It devalues the tools and it does not truly assist the people who receive it at no cost to themselves, not even the cost of speaking to me nor acknowledging that I exist at all.
Of course, it will still be the purchaser’s choice to make, because I can't physically stop anyone. However, it demonstrates a more cohesive consciousness to direct someone to my website so that they can find out about and use the Eth'A tools I create properly, rather than get them second hand. This work really is not like a library book.
When AFA1 was first released, I asked a very small $38AUD for all files - images and audio. And I have given it away to folk in dire straits with no money for food, plus hosted it for free listening for over a year. I have done my share, and can no longer carry the cost of hosting the work in the shared holographic field on my own. I ask people to pay a money price to cover the energetic load of hosting the Eth'A data within the reality matrix in which their Form is encased and exhibiting life. Previously I have done this on their behalf, using donor processing fields formed of my own creative data-forms.
I am intrinsically involved in the tools, they are of my creative force and stream - they are not separate from me. Giving a tool file on to someone else is akin to saying to me - 'you worked well for me, now go work for my friend, as part of the money I have already given you’.
Would that be acceptable if I were a mechanic or a plumber?
I do not have employment, I do not have a career, I do not make a profit, I do not have an organisation, I do not have disciples, I do not have followers, I do not get donations. I am not backed by a galactic federation of light, a Sirian council, an Arcturian quorum, a Mer pod, a Fairy sprinkle, nor a sophia rose-heart certification. I do not get bliss-bombs dumped into my brain to give me that emotive hit often called 'pure love'. I am not connected to the christos grid, am drawing no power at all from that system - nor do I ever wish to.
Money received from exchange for my Eth'A work is used for herbal supplements to support my body which works overtime to do what I do, equipment such as microphone for recording, software for processing, or cost of online website plan. Occasionally I put it towards some balls of yarn to bring that colour enjoyment into my life.
I have a hard time asking for money for this work, I relent a lot, give it a lot, reason with myself to drop the price constantly; but my greater CI is getting more and more firm with me about sticking to the set price. I understand financial hardship, yet I also understand the physical cost of hosting complex etheric data within the holographic grids using the bulk of my own vital lifeforce allotment each day.
It ain't sustainable. Other people can do it by attracting online followers and friends who give of their happy sunshine love vibes into the stream holding their data stable. They feed emotional/mental energy to each other through gathering within soul groups. I do not do this.
Specifically I do not even put out the vibe to attract people in that way. There has been just enough attention and money come for this work of mine to keep me from having a stroke up to this point. But it has been seen and agreed by my larger Ether companions and co-creators to not do it this way anymore and anyone who is desiring of using this technology must be self-responsible and carry themselves within the stream from their own resource.
I have given and given.
Do not ask more from me than this.
Moving on - for the now, I am working earnestly on ignoring certain portions of the human mind puddle emanations. It's just too flippin' nuts, and no amount of rainbow bathing is going to make it more meaningful to me. You're on your own there little rainbow diamond peeps; hoping all your colours work out for you just super.
Additional words:
I endeavour to say 'I' when I express a thought or describe a learning or understanding, rather than 'we' or 'us' or 'you', because I have no place to speak as if I know you; and absolutely no evidence to suggest that the reactions of thoughts and energy within my sphere are the same or even similar to yours, other than an aggregate assumption based on the collation of outward seeming data mostly dislocated from an intimate inner experience of the other.
Anything I say in respect to understandings, wisdoms and perspective, I speak of as being relevant only to myself, I do not require to tell you that our experience is shared for mine to be viable within a shared flow. And I do not have a need to tell you what your point-position is nor even give you kind suggestions to assist you in framing your experience to yourself and within your environment.
There is a place for all. In my world - descriptive words which place belief states or outlooks of perception on a rung of behaviours with associated motivators are unkind, manipulative and controlling of the pathways of others. Notice I said 'descriptive words', I did not say 'people'.
If I drop a stone here today, I watch a boulder roll somewhere tomorrow.
