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The way People write you into their Story

Updated: Mar 24, 2024

Here I am on 24th March 2024, adding all of this post back in because I just did some post category edits and the entire post deleted. I'm like - screw that - these persons don't get to hide or have their history with me totally erased today. They made a meal of me and my life and I want it noted. Fortunately I had the post open in a web browser and could screencap it. But a total retyping, some new images - how very interesting.

I found this curious article/blog post.

The Mystery Religion | Tongue-Speak Deception

I feature so magnificently in it which explains a few things from last year. What a shit show of invasive ego that was, not unlike much of this year really.

Effervescently indistinct, vaguely confusing with no point left by the compass of its author's human intelligence; the essay pours out a cascade of words saying what? I am uncertain if according to Noel J. Hadley I was a charismatic - with a capital 'C' - Oh Joy, Oh Rapture; or a Gnostic - the heretic; or perhaps I was the Atlantean mystic? The literary objective of the post is presently escaping my understanding.

The funniest thing about the article is to read in quotation marks the things I wrote all that time ago - obviously squishing some really juicy word bait on big hooks. Most wondrous is to see how one can be made to appears, and thus perceived, through the careful selection of particular sentences and the elimination of others. Stupendously wondrous is knowing that what I detected and felt come by my blog, with my supposedly ex-charismatic, Gnostic, watcher of the ancient mystery religion of Atlantis, emotional self, all that time ago was indeed very accurate.

I am reminded why I no longer wish to speak out on too many topics in a pond where anyone can fish for free, take whatever they catch and make a meal of it. Fishes and loaves anyone?

I am assured of my choices to unpublish the website and blog associated with Noel J. Hadley's take on my life's journey. I am glad I left behind the little boxes of the Righteous who think nothing of picking at the bones of others on the battle grounds of their beliefs, pining for a god who left them in the mud of blood soaked dirt, their benefactor murdered to prove an unconditional love.

I have at hand scalding oil and a match for the parchments of scripture bound men who neglect to fulfill basic tenants of consideration for others. Yet as Noel J. Hadley says with such reasoned conviction, perhaps I simply "digress into the very illogical emotional-based slump which enthusiastically drives every Tongue-Speaker" (ref. par.2, point 10 of post; emphasis mine).

"What is this slump?" I ponder in the dark pool of my inner landscape. ow does the adjective/noun equate to one's use of words of an emotive nature to describe an experience? How does a slump, which describes a reduction of activity, enthusiastically drive a perspective and the expression of it? The construct makes no logic for me, sounding more like emotion driven opinion.

Let us not play at being politely condescending in this forum of Minds, whilst scraping skin with hard shells. Let us be boldly honest in our stance and opinion. Or at least clear.

I do not think myself to be a mystic, nor a Watcher of the Mystery Religion of Atlantis. What is that even about? I have used various descriptive words over the years in a search for equations of human sounds to fit with how I feel at any point in moments. Each word is open to the interpretation of limited understanding within the observer. This is why so often I speak using sounds not decipherable to men, so they cannot play what they suppose to be clever games with my intent and purpose.

I readily reject the world as presented by the intellectual of christian scriptures who exhibits little sense and no grace. To chop into little pieces the paragraphs of others for spiritual fodder and past them up on a page with not even appropriate references, leaving the authors unrepresented, seems so very like taking wood and nails and hammering hard through bone and sinew. I am in good company then.

Oh!! Yet thanks where thanks are due to Noel J. Hadley for copy/pasting my name right!! What a Champion.

This is yet another experience demonstrating to me how much the human mind lives within profiles and categories, activating programs of response and choice of interaction based on determinations of these value. Noel J. Hadley gave me titles and roles and assigned me character and belief based on those plot points. He speaks of truths yet like so many does not actually care if his suppositions are correct.

I find this in strangers and I find this in people in places of friendship. I am still working out what that means for me, other than do not speak if I do not want strangers to do as they please with my words; and do not invest overly much in friendships. 97% of the time my investment is not enough to satisfy the wounds in the Other wanting attention, nor grant me a voice in their parting conversation.

Overall I am impressed by the need for me to look in different places for life experiences.

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