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SpheresData Transcript 16: 4Jan2020 - Moving a Form Structure

Updated: Mar 17, 2024

Transcript 16

Following along a line of encouragement from my Other Selves or companions, I am doing some more English transcripts from SpheresData audio (also called Eth'A audio). This time I have gone back to the start of 2020 with an audio which never made it onto the Audio Archive playlist for some reason which I can't recall, other than perhaps it did not seem relevant to anyone. But none of this work is particularly obviously relevant to anyone so that is becoming more of a moot point to me.

Anyhoo, I discovered a neat way to get a good base of English captions from Youtube video uploads so this requires making the audios into simple video (just one screen image, nothing taking hours of work), uploading them to Youtube and then listening and correcting what the clever Youtube AI has created for me. I am using a Youtube Channel created back in 2019 or so for use with the Forum Draumr.

I really want to be able to press on and do a lot of these transcripts, to see the pattern of lines I have left myself in English throughout hours and hours of recordings.

As I progress through audio from 2020, I will revisit Transcripts already done for end of Aug-Oct 2020. Rather than redo their posts, I will add to them. Those previous 15 transcripts shall remain as they are for the timepoint at which they were produced.

The audio of this transcript was recorded Jan 4, 2020 (Moving a Form Structure). I have kept the timestamps and added format in line with my own system of writing out the English from Eth'A audio. Instead of writing [spherespeak] to indicate where I have interposed or moved on to that form of communication, I created the shortform [^]. I do not use capitals for beginnings of sentences unless it is an 'I' for clarity. Capitals are reserved for the purpose of giving particular terms additional amplification to indicate importance as a process or Eth'A structural name.

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