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no.1 English content, Eth'A session 26Aug

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

May 2015 is when I started this online inputting of my data into the human platforms. Can't say it has been fun exactly. Long, strange, bizarrely repetitive perhaps; yet also confusing, indeterminate and dusted with conflict.

I keep moving about the internet. I have changed domains, urls, account names, account locations; repackaged and re-explained regularly. I have tried various modes of presentation and found almost all of them too unstable to maintain indefinitely.

On July 26, my local to non local mind communication interface experienced a sudden alteration as connections long laboured for by many came online. At this point We began transferring increased amounts of data using English for the dialogue. This week it seemed like the thing to do to write out the English content from recorded audio, starting in late August.

The following is a transcript of English from the recording of August 26 2020. Italicised words are those from my more local persona. This was a half hour long recording. There is a lot of English in it. Writing some of these direct communication sessions out is likely being done to increase the amplification of the data waveform through the English dialogue - translating sound into symbols.

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