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Some Tool Upgrades

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

Track 2 of Survivors First Aid 1 has been re-rendered (previously Awakeners First Aid). I went back to the original recording and re-produced it with a variance in the mix. I do these adjustments to ensure that the Tools remain functioning at optimum resolution for our point in the TimeFlows.

Anyone who has previously purchased the AFA 1 Audio may contact me to get the latest file.

In the works is a re-creation of the AFA 1 Glyph Tools. I aim to create a single image from the 4 Tools, going back to the original pen drawings to re-scan in the now-point. It may take a little bit of experimentation, yet I hope to create an image which can be presented for digital download sale in a single functioning mechanism.

The existing AFA 1 Glyph Tools are not suitable for digital download exchange, only as physical cards which I create and mail. I love getting touchable mail, yet having a digital file is useful as well. I would like to be able to present a version which can be passed to others as a file and used on their devices or print out as desired. To be able to do this I have had to wait for a co-operative of Minds to agree to support the energetic holding outlay within the human holographic matrices over and around Earth.

Without this co-operation of agreements I have had to maintain the bandwidth of the AFA 1 Glyph Tools within my own Sphere Palace, within a predominantly resistant environment. The load proved too great to sustain for long which is why I could no longer offer the Glyph Tools as digital download. The data goes too far abroad through the matrices and my own Spheres did not have coding access to all points so I could not close off all weak or broken ports to prevent syphoning of the data into the Treasuries of Others here creating a Story.

Others create from my raw data as it leaks through the aethers, and that just right royally pisses me off. Not only is it an act of thievery, it also slows me down, reduces the amplification of my waveform and sucks energy from my forward momentum, which is hard won at significant physical cost. I have spent years in negotiations and territory re-assignments to clear structures which are my own, created millennia ago, now assumed and used by Minds believing themselves to be acting in the Grace of God or Source, or the Loving Universe, which gives them all they ask for.

So yes, I have presented as a little hostile over the term of my broadcasting from the split of my Selves, trying to get through a difficult region of spacetime and avoid cataclysmic outcomes.

The option to purchase a card which I imbue with Spherescript will remain. There is also talk of offering digital download of an A6 'page of Spherescript' which the buyer can print onto anything they like, including the back of a printed version of the new AFA 1 Glyph Tool image.

Well there, now that I have laid out the intent in this broadcast of words, I shall wait to see what kickback comes through the aethers and Mind matrices in response or resistance. Perhaps there will be a supportive wave and the work will progress for me smoothly.



All life could be a work of fiction.

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