This vid is an upload from August 2016. Re-sharing for reasons unknown. It seems to be a part of an un-braiding of meditation streams which I am in the midst of still.
A meditation stream could also be called a person's story. This is the version of reality they create with their actions and focused attention. The purpose of mass meditations is obviously to get a whole bunch of minds to agree on one version of something simultaneously and thus bring it about through belief.
When someone weaves you or your output into their story as a supporting character it can drastically pull your own story off on a tangent not in line with what you want for yourself. The more skilled the mind at meditative focus on an outcome (like a habitual worrier), the greater the effect on your stream of output.
You can end up exhausted from pulling back in the opposite direction all day. I have been un-braiding my own streams and the streams that my Family group and associates are using. This video is part of the weave somehow. I don't need to know the details really.
A truly 'co-operative co-creation' is one in which beings are able to maintain the integrity of their own stream - their own dreamtime - and share the flow, assisting one another to manifest rather than compete for space and resource in the flow whilst hacking each other's dreaming to pieces as if no one else exists and all resource is for the taking.
Folks can play nice in the playground, or they can be the one who hogs all the swings.