If your life was pre-designed to be whack, it will be whack every damn day, not a thing you can do about it.
You’re on the whacker wheel of life drifting through dysfunctioning fields of messed-up. Learning to disconnect from the probable emotional and mental tossing waves is your best option of making it through to the pre-determined end with some sensation of ok-ness.
The Law of Attraction is a faulty premise, let it go tenderly into the misty ocean spray of those whose pre-design came with chapters programmed to see it work miracles in their scheduled crises.
Celebrate the implied compliment that some master programmer noticed you have the fortitude to slosh from peak to valley and remain mostly upright without obvious assistance. Own all wins as the results of your own tenacity, your own brilliance, your own competence. Give no credit away to airy deities, let them feed at other disasters.
One sudden moment this is all going to become distant.
I am a realist. I report on what is real to me. What is real to me has a high probability of being excessively unreal to many others. This makes my ‘real’ no less so.
I experience contact with non-tellurian (earth dweller), non-human intelligence. I access regions of the mind which have little to no seeming connection with the fathomable of everyday human living. I formed my own word terms to describe it because no naming system I have located fits 100% and to use those categories would be a form of falsehood to my inner sense of cosmic ethics.
I have no affiliation with religions nor new age beliefs. I have sound, image, sensation – all from a non-local source and remaining unmapped by any conversations I have yet come upon.
And so what then do I do with it, with myself? I have been speaking against the nature of this reality for as long as I have noted that I form thought. This realm suffers severe distortion to which I am opposed in each particle of my physical and non-physical presence.
I continuously emit those frequencies which suit me as I move with large spheres of associated consciousness through dishevelled regions of spacetime. Today I could not be bothered trying to find words to use which would make this findable or noticeable in social media feeds and searches. You are only going to find this if you are meant to and what I title it makes no difference to that.