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A Little Catch Up

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

You're here, you decided to enter through the swinging gate. You're in the workroom, looking around at the strange devices and odd diagrams on the walls. Maybe you are waiting for someone to tell you what to do, which station to walk to, what apparatus to pick up and use.

I am assuming that you are sent by your unseen team, your soul cluster, your Family, your directive position, your greater CI, your ancient genetic memory, your distress, your deep desire to find something lost and get the hell out of purgatory.

There is a possibility that you are affiliated with the GFOL (Galactic Federation of Light), and have been directed to come see what me and my Folk are up to. I'm cool with that. Truly, if the GFOL and my stream could come to some arrangement of mutual exchange, that would be helpful.

Also possible is that you are an ancient affiliate of the GFOL and are recognising a long-running repetition of life/destruction cycles no closer to approaching a conclusion, and you want out of that paradigm and the GFOL high council agenda of growth for higher dimensional leagues through the suffering of the small things. In which case, welcome rebellious divergent.

Welcome, to those who have hung out for a while, and those newly through the doors. What now?

You can roam through the menu tabs, listen to audio, gaze at script pages to awaken structures embedded within your DNA.


I do not maintain a 'Service Site', that is I do not offer and run services the likes of which are presented by 'Ascension' workers and medicates who are assisting human minds with the trials of remaining or becoming stable in a broken reality matrix. This place is a work station, where I upload and broadcast my contribution of data transmission and communications direction in and out of the holo sheets.

All of my dialogue which I use to describe my work and experience is self-generated so is not going to always be matching what the viewer may have gathered in other circles. There are systems and devices of Eth'A Tech available here which will increase capacity for clear communications with the viewer's own guides and Family Group. The Awakeners First Aid is my primary assistance outlay for operatives who have been directed here either willingly or stumbling with a hard push.

I function on a 'Need to Know' basis, if I do not need to know the 'who, what, where, when, why', I do not push to get those answers. The less I know, the smaller a footprint I am able to occupy within the mind matrices - all of which are monitored to lesser or more degree by Conglomerates of Mind which influence and direct the flow of human thought streams (meditation streams which direct the presentation of experience within the holographic outlay of the reality).

There was a purpose for this blog post which altered once I began. I was answering again that driving call to be of service, to instruct, to assist, to direct, to be engaging, to present an interface which others could connect with easily - not outlaying too much effort of their own to absorb and understand. Once I saw this pattern again, I hit the off switch and re-corrected my course.

No easy interface for awakening has ever been provided for me. I have not ever been spoon-fed instruction, nor had my hand held to direct me to a med-bed. What I have, I have created for myself. What I understand, I have sought for myself. The pursuit and process has been arduous labour.

Putting a clean filter on my work would be presenting a lie. I keep a lot in reserve, probably because I have not enjoyed being told that I am oppressed of a demon, channelling evil

Draco, or installing Dark Forces spy-tech into people's auric fields. The passage of time has been my best medicine against the unpleasant feelings of those experiences, plus a sensation that there is no spare Time to spend on being bothered by the words, thoughts, and spell-casting of people who are ignorant of my truth.

Yesterday was thick with dense transmission. I am getting increasing events of trans-Solar System communications, plus interactions with groups still seeking to use planet-side tech which I (with Others) have laboured to reclaim and retool for the purpose of creating an outlay beneficial to the Whole here experiencing.

Whereas previously I have endeavoured to record only sessions I knew to be intended for general broadcast, in the past week I am more impressed upon to begin recording any significant traffic. The ability to review these exchanges, to see the larger pattern in more detail, is becoming more necessary to keep me assured of my pathway. I am sharing the audio of last night's experience (can be found in July + playlist, will be marked with an { ! }).

My function and outlay, the tasks I labour to support, are not bliss and lightbeams. There is extremely serious work to be done here. This planet is not a summer camp. There are intimidating forces at work.

I do not get a happy joy bliss data stream. I do not get ascension handed to me in a sweet packet of rainbow sparkles. I do not get the awakening through mantra and chakra clearing exercises. I get front-lines negotiations, solar system force outlays, planetary black ops, data relay espionage, territory disputes, contract cancellations, Ancient Builder Tech reclamation and repair.

My experience is not wrong, it is not unawakened, it is not oppressed, it is not ego wallowing, it is not psychosis, it is not feeding the Dark, it is not resisting the Light. It is mysterious, it is real, it is aligned with something I do not see yet.

There have been many times where this work throws me around. It takes a lot of mental strength to hold the frequencies, to be bi-located (both in body and elsewhere - experiencing two realities simultaneously), it can be painful with the nervous system overloaded. So much progress has been attained; more can be held longer with greater stability. Yet still there are events where the reality flings me into unfamiliar spaces and the experience is new again.


Unknown member
Jul 22, 2021

You are the most real creature/baba I’ve ever met.

Replying to

You are very generous to say so. I gratefully accept the reflection.


All life could be a work of fiction.

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