A ClearView Record:
2015: 65 tracks, 1.21 Gb mp3
2016: 81 tracks, 2.33 Gb mp3
2017: 200 tracks, 7.30 Gb mp3
2018: 174 tracks, 3.16 Gb mp3
2019: 17 tracks, 344 Mb mp3
2020: 71 tracks, 2.24 Gb mp3
2021: 44 tracks, 1.08 Gb mp3 - so far.
Not including personal Eth'A sessions; and only reflecting recorded audio, not Video uploaded to Youtube in this time. Not reflecting untold hours of constant streaming unrecorded, Spherescript work, direct interfacing assistance to Others and holding support systems active within my physical form, plus a constant process of Journeying to heal personal fields. All whilst being bizarrely incapable of connecting to a happy Troupe travelling together, laughing together.
The evidence of being a Solitary Fae?
This is what I have been doing. I would like to have the length in hours for each of these years listed above; that would use a lot of effort to count.
Can anyone or anything tell me why? Can anyone or anything tell me it is worth it? What am I doing this for? What is anything for at all? The beauty of a human experience? What is that? How many people does it take to keep doing that over and over?

Do you see large numbers of CI making use of this data and effort? Is it moving anything beyond my own daily existence? Could I achieve as much just by doing a jigsaw puzzle, colouring in, or making a rug?
Right now > I feel that I have used up 44 something years on something going nowhere.
The Others that Be have relied heavily on me just doing doing doing, and not outlayed appropriate resource to motivate me to do. There is an appalling laziness of attention from those who speak through the Hub which I hold; expecting the Self-Motivating Particle that I am to just keep on spinning itself by its own fusion with austere levels of frugality in the allocation of resource to helping me along a little. Most of them just haven't been able to acknowledge the concept that I am in a human body, not the interface of a pure crystalline consciousness in an ancient builder tech relay orbiting somewhere in the solar system.
Why is my experience not at all like the 100's of thousands of other humans talking similar but not the same? Why do they get incentives and pats on backs, or answers from the Universe, whilst I get silence and rubbish blowing down the footpath?
Do I see a definite progression in the data? Yes. Do I feel at all motivated or incentivised to continue? No. Will I? Probably. Should I go silent? Maybe. Would I? I will give it a go.
There is another audio uploaded today - 5 August 2021.
I shall go find a cup of tea and maybe a biscuit.
A note on the newest versions of SFA 1 & 2 Glyph Tools mentioned elsewhere: I have not released them on the website because I lack the incentive to share them.