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White Sand and Stone

About the Vessel Intercept

Live Stream Feb 17 2022 - Intergalactic Conglomeration of Consciousness technical data stream

About the Vessel Intercept

19 Feb 2022

To answer queries about the nature of dialogue regarding the intercepted vessel and its terminating pathway, I have put together some words, and will attempt to give come context.

The vessel is what I see as a ‘galactic’ level vessel. This is one which has the level of perception of this local galaxy, not having a pattern which travels to or connects with intergalactic information.

A ‘vessel’ is any form which holds consciousness. This would include a human body, a planet, asteroid, comet, a Sphere vessel, any form of craft manufactured for travel or data storage. In this instance I could not definitively say if the vessel is a manufactured craft of advanced technology or an energy sphere formed of consciousness, yet I feel it is more likely the former.

I could tag this vessel’s crew as something like a galactic federation of worlds kind of storyline, operating on one of the ascension positive outcome type of scenarios, directing thought streams through whatever meditative/telepathic communications modalities these beings use to direct the thoughts and actions of their contacts within human form.

The waveform on which they have been travelling is not going to end with a triumphant ascension outcome. It is headed to a terminating point. To understand this concept, I offer that you think of the existence of a consciousness as moving along the lines and curves of a pattern. Each waveform creates or is manifest in a distinct pattern.

This can be understood by looking at cymatic patterns. A vibration describes itself visually in patterns seen by sand on a steel plate. These 2-dimensional patterns are only a narrow view of multi-dimensional shapes. All consciousness is flowing along and within these patterns, as many and as varied as the orchestra of all sound in the cosmos.

The ‘wave’ which we spoke of getting ahead of is a waveform of belief/understanding on which galactic federation type forms are flowing. This is an incomplete or damaged pattern, disconnected from intergalactic fullness of understanding and therefore not having an intersecting node at which an intergalactic pattern can be moved to from this galactic pattern. Therefore, data of consciousness on this wave travelling the galactic pattern will not ‘ascend’ to a ‘higher plane’ but terminate. Previously, it would cycle back and repeat the galactic pattern, but the patterns here are damaged in such a way as to make cyclical movement non-existent. Hence the requirement to move all consciousness to other patterns offering nodes of pathway intersection which allow probability of development into more complex over-layed patterns.

The crew of this vessel is not so much maliciously manipulative as they are only following the design of their pattern, having no knowing of anything beyond it due to communication dis-connect. They are not able to be ‘reasoned with’ as a lack of the universal or intergalactic patterning within their consciousness data precludes them from having an epiphany moment and developing the understanding to act of their own and change course. Therefore, a vessel intercept was required. In this level of mental understanding it is enacted as an intercept and forced dis-embarking, like a military border patrol vessel would do on the open seas.

All data which they have heretofore been gathering is acquired and used for further understanding the galactic patterns and developing smoother and smoother transitions of amalgamating all patterns here present into a cohesive structure.

If this scenario is played out within the storyline of galactic federations of worlds, or SSP, or Sphere beings etc etc – pick a report from those given by folk like Corey Goode, Dr Courtney Brown, Elena Danaan, Darryl Anka, and oh so many others I can’t even log their names – I would not be overtly surprised. Events like this filter through the stories and are told with details fitting each person’s personal belief of what is occurring within the reality.


All life could be a work of fiction.

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