Fragile lattice, spider’s web of pulsing orbs
Data highway underpinned by danger signs
How to bypass the ‘Stop! No Entry’ into crucial receiving points?
How to calm the screeching wails, klaxon blares of distress?
Infant pathways processed the images, placed them in blocking heaps.
How now to make child’s pictures from these erupting crisis mountains?
- to touch the child, to calm the child, when she has no practice of soothing?
All input overloads.
No sound eases for long, none becomes habitual stillness, safety, contentment.
All sound disrupts, violates, moves when movement is not wanted nor chosen.
How to change the reception of vibration?
How to create an empty space when all space here fills forcefully with the sounds of others.
No borders are honoured.
Snapping fear-filled children take every place for their own.
Children birthing babies, where are their grandparents?
A parent with no word imprints, only sounds of calm movement, where is this?
A still floor, this is become vital.
No sudden move, no bursting sound, no unseen approach.
Surprises are not all kind and welcome.
Cruelty lurks in the games of drama-craving minds.
This Child has nothing left to give to the machine
She extracts herself, finding no suitable parent
She determines the nature of her own distress
She learns to make her own cooing softness
- for herself, not to settle any other crying infant.