I am Sound Symbols. I have pushed and tugged to be something else, to form myself on a different wavelength and it is not happening. I have tried artist, shop seller, mystic with mysteries to share, normal person going to earn a degree online and get a normal job, and more besides; none of these gain momentum to 'become' in my life.
The only wavelength maintaining a constant growth pattern is Sound Symbols. And I don't know what to do with that in the context of living a life.
I do not integrate with the society I am in. I go out to do the school run, gather food and other necessities and that is it. The structures of the society I am in hurt my body and so I avoid it. I am a Draghon whose sensitive ears can't tolerate the sounds of the technological world, including most humans whose wavelengths are formed of this technology.
I am Sound Symbols, the Creation Sounds of the first Spheres, and I am in a World which has no desire to know what that is or means; working constantly to change the patterning of waveforms found here into something still mostly mysterious to myself who uses and speaks them daily.

I Am Sound, I am symbols, I am waveform, I am frequency.
I emanate my Sound and wait for it to create something in the world around me yet what it creates cannot be detected by the senses of this body. So far removed are my sounds from the wavelengths creating this World that they do not make a life path here for me, as they do not match any of the provided life patterns inside this Grand Play.
What is this life I am living? What wavelength of expression am I resonant with? Is it going to shift, change, conclude within this life or will I continue on in each day talking Sound Symbols, writing Sound Symbols, all to unknown parties much of the time, until this body dissolves from the effort?
For some ambiguous reason I keep asking these questions. The dance of doing and questioning is become my life. And that itself seems odd to me.
I have met several stunning people - radiant gems, as strangely faceted as am I. And I feel that they ask similar questions. These are mostly solitary doings we each emanate because the constant and persistent volume of our labours does not lead us into communities.
Is this an end gambit? Or is it in fact another, yet much grander, form of lifeplay? Who is writing its lines, directing its scenes, and can I persuade her to add in an intermission or even a couple of the more cool superpowers like flight or superhuman strength?