The sun is shining beautifully, it's a gorgeous Sunday.
As the minutes have ticked by more and more energy has drained from my body, the pall of oppression has settled heavier and heavier, the pull to think about lack of attention and adoration has increased.
So I settled into a chair and got quiet, waiting for whatever this is to come in close enough for me to see it. Because in truth, I am not interested in how much people are looking at me today online, I am not interested in making some piece of artistic outflow that I can post on Instagram and sit and wait and see how many hit the 'like' button. That is not me at all. I am enjoying the peace of a beautiful Sunday in a quiet house, with people who love me and who live at peace with one another, who laugh easily and often.
Sitting, sitting, sitting, gazing into the blue skies and green wall of growth outside my double glass sliding doors.
Kapow, there was a 'pop', audible in the ether range of hearing, a sudden release of pressure around my head and then I heard it with crystalline clarity.
'Someone wants you to know how miserable and disliked you are.' It repeated and my 'friends', my 'others' confirmed it with their words out of my mouth.
'Someone wants you to know how miserable and disliked you are'.
Well aren't they lovely.
Someone who would wish that upon another, that someone is damaged. I would even say they are toxic and abusive - whoever and whatever they are. They have obviously made some quantum leaps of assumption about something I have said or done, or not said and not done. Who the fuck really knows. They sure don't.
I am grateful for the lessons I have pushed into and through, grateful for the gaining of understanding of how it works to live on a group mind network. I once would have believed this was some fault of emotion or a mental depression in myself. Now I know otherwise.
Some telltale signs that someone is sending unpleasant cursing thoughts in your direction - be it a bodied or unbodied person.
A thought or feeling contrary to your current situation (ie beautiful day, woke up fine then started feeling increasingly out of sorts and harassed by unpleasant thoughts)
An increasing drain of energy from the limbs, heaviness and tiredness, includes drain of energy from emotional and mental bodies exhibiting as sucking away of joy and a listlessness.
A tugging, twisting nausea in the gut. This is the classic sign for me of someone attempting to impose their thoughts, reason, and idea of reality on me, wanting to manipulate my thoughts and behaviours through psychic invasion.
How to deal with it?
Identify, find the sentence being spoken. It is a form of witchcraft, a hexing. So find the sentence if you can. My senses are very trained and my 'ears' are excellent, so this is easily doable for me. Get still, put your focus somewhere else, like the garden or a picture on the wall, and ask for the sentence or word or emotion to show itself.
Once found I will sometimes go looking for the source, if that is required, or I will just ignore the source. Depends on the situation. I invoke or instruct a 'returning'. All that was sent to me is returned to the one who sent it. You can imagine a spinning disco ball of mirrors around your body, spin it up, get it going nice and fast, and see all the nasty shit bounce off and go back to its source. Once you can get a single disco ball spinning add another ball around it, with you inside both, and spin the second ball in the opposite direction to the first. So you have two mirrored balls spinning fast in opposite directions, reflecting nasty fields of thought and energy away from you.
It is really really ugly when people decide you said or did something offensive to them and decide to punish you for it, because they figure you deserve it. Really, really ugly. It may not be a person in human form, it may be a part of the system thinking itself real. Whatever the source, you don't have to let it take up residence in your day.
Truly, I have done nothing to be hurtful or hateful to anyone, so fuck off.
I am going back to my peace-filled household, created through my ability to manifest harmonic balance in my environment.
Love and Light SiStars and Brothers, try not to be mean today.
And if someone is mean to you, you don't have to accept blame for what they think you did, or adjust yourself so as not to disturb their choppy emotional waters, you can just flip the bird and walk on.