There is an avalanche of advice on how to ‘ascend’, how to ‘evolve’, how to become the personification of the golden age. A lot of it revolves around instructions like ‘be kind’, ‘be loving’, ‘be service-to-others orientated’, or complex esoteric practices and the assimilation of vast volumes of intricate concepts.
For the Soul or Spirit which has cycled through eons of physical and non-physical experience in a system predominantly devoid of balanced ‘compassion’ bands of frequency, instructions to be kind or loving stir up self-criticism and judgement in the wake of confusion generated by attempts to work out just what loving kindness is.
Being born into a creation matrix lacking in those frequencies, they have not attained the means by which to feel and use them. Being systematically abused over eons does damage to the Soul’s fields to the point of being unable to read or receive such frequencies.

‘Ascension,’ or the evolution of the Soul, does not have to be an academic exercise. You really do not require to know much at all. You do not have to know who is in charge or how it will happen. The matrices of the process have been created by far greater understandings of Spirit than that contained in the human vessel, and are being implemented by a host of Cosmic Minded Spirit in a format to make the transition as simple as is possible for all physically embodied life.
Goy'EA (this planet’s core Planetary Consciousness) is being given these matrix keys. She is forming the networks of understanding for those on, in and beside her. All any person here need do is make a connection with her and she will teach and direct. Even more simply than that, a person need only set an intent to be in the ‘Stream of Compassion’, and there they are, being transformed little by little into a heart-core operating being.
Belief in the process is not required, it just is, in the same way that when we stand in a stream of water we get wet. Whether we believe that water is wet or not, there is an evident change to our state. We do not require to learn the process of the Cosmic Shift which is already in place - we require only to Align ourselves with the vibratory stream of it.

So to put this into practical application, I will give examples of some simple statements to use.
“I live in the Stream of Compassion”
“My heart aligns with Goy'EA”
“I choose Compassion and Empathy”
You do not require to understand the greater meaning of the statements, you do not have to believe them to be your true state, you do not have to feeeeel it. They are simple switches to flick to access assistance.
How to apply these statements?
* Stand barefoot on the ground and say hello to Goy'EA, the being you live upon, in and beside of. Thank her for helping you to make the shift.
* Whenever you feel unkind, critical, vengeful thoughts or emotion engage, either to yourself or others, make the statement “I choose Compassion and Empathy” or "I live in the Stream of Compassion". This will switch you into that clear moving stream, where myriad facets of loving compassion are available to assist you to make different choices in perception, choices which will enliven your Soul rather than deplete it.
Easy Peasy.