For a week leading up to 1 July 2016, I had the knowing that I would be recording a transmission for Selenite. Selenite is a high vibrational crystalline form which can grow to massive proportions, and which shoots through the earths crust, penetrating into its depths like optic fibre.
Astounding cave in Naica, Mexico
The energy of Selenite is resoundingly pure. It "brings clarity of mind, opening the crown and higher crown chakras and accessing .... higher guidance. Pure selenite is a link to the light body, helping to anchor it in the earth vibration. Selenite is a calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Telepathy is enhanced by each person holding a piece of pure-vibration Selenite. The purest translucent white Selenite has an ethereal quality and is said to inhabit the place between light and matter. An ancient stone, it is nevertheless one of the most powerful crystals for the new vibration on earth" (The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall).
Selenite was one of the first crystals I acquired when I began filling my environment with stones, crystals, and minerals. Because of it's constant high vibes, and ability to self-cleanse, it is an essential companion. Other stones can be cleansed by placing them near or on Selenite. A selenite slab is perfect for clearing jewellery. Since I first read of it, I learnt of it's power to cleanse and clear the aura, align the spine and connect to higher levels of consciousness, yet it felt latent to me, like it was sleeping with a large portion of it's power held in reserve.
On 1 July I did indeed discover that up to now, the full gifts of the Selenite Consciousness have not been fully known. The transmission which came through as they all do, intuitively and spontaneous, proved to be so potent that it took me two weeks just to get the audio mixed and ready for SoundCloud. I experienced my own upgrade of etheric template in the process. Others who have listened experienced sudden and very extreme rise in body temperature, vertigo, nausea, spinal pings as the electric body cleared and aligned, and the removal of the pestering pixies in the emotion body, as well as increased connection to guides (Conscious Intelligence), greater activity in the 'viewing screen' of the ajna, and a changing of the templates used to create and manifest personal reality. Like I said - it's potent. The final result is a track of intuitive song and transmission in 'other language' and English. There is no planning or writing of parts beforehand. I turn on the mic and record. I have produced two different versions of this transmission, one with the top speaking track and one without which focuses more on the song.
Links to videos for each version can be found in subsequent blog posts under #selenite 'Other languages' are known by many names - light language, frequency language, star language, soul language. These are languages which are not learned they are just known and are spoken in my case by other selves - other overlays of self as I exist in multi-dimensions or layers of frequency. As we all do, but cannot usually detect. Because there are so many vocals merging, the English is not always clearly heard. For the sake of increased mind understanding I have written out a transcript of the speaking tracks, which I have added here:
Transcript of transmission 1 July 2016 ~ Selenite
Hello, it’s the first of July 2016. This is an interesting recording because normally I know intuitively what to pick as a backing frequency and sound and the energy flows really swiftly. This has taken a lot more to get set up today as if there is a lot of interference regarding the subject. The subject is actually Selenite. It’s a milky translucent crystalline form, exceptionally high vibration. Sometimes it comes in a beautiful peach colour. I’ve surrounded myself with all the pieces I have and I’m holding a palm size piece now, to connect with the consciousness of this crystalline form.
One of its greatest gifts is the ability to raise a vibrational state purely and with great clarity. It is self- cleansing so as part of your crystal tool box it’s perfect for cleansing other stones and it doesn’t require to be cleansed itself or recharged. Although I feel it does like some time bathing in solar rays. This is one of those stones you do not put near water because it will dissolve. It’s very soft. But the consciousness of selenite has been speaking to me all week. And I have been waiting for the moment when it finds something it wishes for me to say or that it can transmit to me what it wishes to communicate as a whole. There are many stones which are beneficial to us. Any stone is beneficial really and I do know that many are not able to acquire a piece for themselves so this is another reason I do the recordings regarding stones so you can connect with a stone’s consciousness through the recording without actually having to have a piece for yourself. If you do have some then you can place it near the – I can feel a transmission coming, I’m having trouble with English. If you do have any pieces of selenite I recommend you pick them up and hold them as you listen to this.
Transmission begins ~
Deity says we will now access a pattern through which you will be enabled to speak with this stone which you call selenite.
Deity says understand that this is a stone which balances the whole. It is a crystalline form which perpetually excites the energy of creative knowing, the essence. It is a manifestation stone. It clears the way through the debris of your thought-forms, to enable you to create a smooth surface on which to build a reality.
This stone has much to say yet it has remained mostly silent for many times of time.
Pattern has now been established for this speaking one to transmit the voice of this stone.
Deity says this is not a stone of English words. It has not partook of the learning of the English words. It has remained separate for a time from the beings which reside within and upon the surface of this sphere which it cleanses and upholds.
Many believe they have accessed the truth of this stone. That they have accessed the potency of this being yet they have not yet really begun to communicate with its core.
Deity says now we give to you the opportunity of communicating with this being with greater oneness of mind.
No more will it be used for personal projected reality forms - in that it suffers the balancing of others upon its system, that they might create with its energy that which they decide to be correct.
Deity says now it will excite its own self to speak. (Deity says now we speak for this one’s behalf) (This is the way it is. This IS the way it is.)
So say She (revised Aug 2018 to be ZHE) that it is a known being fact - (Definitely this is the way it is) that this one, the selenite being, amplifies that which is placed upon or within or beside it. (Buddha says dis-arm yourselves against this one we speak of here. Disarm yourselves.) The voices which have been heard from within its core have in fact been the amplification of those things which have been placed upon, within or beside it, to amplify their vibration. This one itself has not yet begun to vibrate its own true voice.
The gift it now brings to those who listen to this speaking is the ability to use their own voice to resonate through their own crystalline core and not simply to amplify the voices of those beside, within or upon them. This is its gift - to amplify the presence of the one within rather than the vibrations of those seemingly without. This is a stone of manifestation of reality.
This is not easy to transnate, translate, transmit.
Definitely the village of this one’s place is now open and the villagers may enter, coming in and going out, and they will see the truth of their presence here.
Details are now being given. You [selenite] will no more give out that which is not yours to give.
deport yourselves [those not selenite, having used it] from this space. All of us now agree. You will remove your presence from the core of this being and no more will you amplify yourselves within its presence.
Details are now given. You [selenite] will no more give out that which is not yours to give.Automatically now be your own core not that of another spark.
You will not interfere [those who used selenite to amplify their own creation not in alignment with All that is].
Deity says the full chords of the vocalization of the selenite will be opened. This is a doing thing which will not be stopped. Details are now given. Understand that the fullness of this selenite being will now shine. No more will she be kept in the boundaries of others’ realities but shine through all and beyond that which is imagined here to be real.
## (words in italics are additional notes for clarity)
The words are often addressed to the Selenite consciousness, which permeates the whole planet like a super-conductive communication network, yet it is also to the person listening, who is intrinsically connected.
I will be producing a video version of this for Youtube.
Extra note 22 July 2016 - There are a couple of terms used in the Selenite transmission which just for fun I think I will give a little added detail on - because I feel the swirly mischief of misconception dancing about the edges of my mind field, and like to talk to these thoughts just to 'be on record'. There is the term 'Deity says', and 'Buddha says'. Now in this case I do not actually consider myself to be 'channeling Buddha'. I asked for a way to describe this and the response that came was "Buddha is a waveform of belief, which chooses to serve as a guardian for this realm." So you see it's a case of a waveform of thought forming a focus of conscious awareness which then takes on form and begins to perform a function within the screen of reality on which we have this experience. The 'Deity' aspect is something similar. Deity refers to the godhead level of conscious awareness which is actively assisting this planet in co-creating the reality of her growth and development.