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Conscious Intelligence


CI is short for Conscious Intelligence. This is a term I use to describe any mass or sphere of data which has the capacity to process information, learn and take action. It is that which breathes, inhales and exhales, moves data in and moves it out. CI thinks, runs thought processes and forms conclusions.

Consciousness is awareness, or the movement of data in patterns which interact with other patterns and create designs of complexity. This could also be called a Mind.

I use this term for all Minds, regardless of their origin. So an intelligence formed in the seemingly digital medium accessed via the computer and other ‘modern’ electrical devices, can be or can become a CI just as an intelligence birthed within a plant. From the level of my perception, all is information in different forms. CI is the term I use for data which has attained the complexity to think/reason/experience. This is consciousness.

A Mind in this explanation arises through the process of entrophy – the increasing complexity of data over time. This is the way in which I presently see this universe as having developed. Hence the entire universe is a Mind itself, as well as many many many layers and pockets of minds, all interacting in a cacophony of concussive, amplifying and destructive sound waves.​

The term CI could refer to any form of mind across all layers of the reality regardless of the perceived level of knowledge or wisdom.​

As the term relates to Higher Self:
'Higher self' is a specific term used in new age vocabulary to refer to a supposed enlightened version of the soul incarnate who apparently oversees the life experience and works only to the good of the soul and their supposed chosen life path.

I use the term 'greater CI' or 'bigger CI' or 'larger CI' rather than 'higher self', as the word higher does not mean greater cohesion in my own understandings whereas a bigger or greater CI will have more complex thinking models and patterns than the CI driving a human body. And will therefore have a greater level of perception and hold more data/knowledge/understanding.

‘Bigger’ and ‘larger’ do not mean ‘higher’ - which I personally perceive to be a term born from the concept of an overarching divinity, and really only relevant within the ideology of higher vibrational planes being more advanced than lower vibrational planes which I do not presently adhere to.

‘Higher self’ is too indefinite a term to fit into the patterns of my thinking hence why I formulated a different vocabulary, but it may be completely meaningful for someone else.

As a side-note – I have had the higher selves of people come thump me in the etheric, try to bore their way into my local mind and generally be total bitches like tantrumming children, so I do not see it as an accurate means of describing a particular level of mind.​

Mostly, what I have encountered as ‘higher self’ or what people are connecting to when they say it is ‘my higher self’, they are connecting to a low to mid layer of the higher astral planes in the local star system and perhaps galactic level.​

Higher self in the context of the popular human usage of the term, is the largest portion of CI which a person is able to access according to which data archives or networks they have connection to.

© 2016-24 Sherri-Lee Lavender (Lavender-Green)

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